What can cause noise with my Wadia 381? HELP

My new Wadia 381 CD player (modified by a well known company in Minnesota) has exhibited a reproducible noise problem since it was new. There is a ridiculously high noise floor that sounds like hiss, louder in the left channel. But ALSO, there is static noise that sounds much like scratches on a vinyl disc that are NOT constant but recur with regularity. I can e-mail a QuickTime video to anyone who is interested that demonstrates the noises quite clearly. Just to rule out various causes, I have swapped out interconnects, amplifiers (solid state and tube), and speaker systems. In addition, I took the Wadia to a different house with no cable TV, all appliances unplugged, all fluorescent lighting turned off and the NOISES ARE STILL THERE! I SENT THE 381 in for service and they claim that the unit functioned perfectly--no noise. I am at my wits end because a very expensive Wadia 381 with mods has a very reproducible set of noises that everybody on the planet that has been in my house can hear with any system equipment that I own. But I am getting nowhere with the dealer regarding this problem--I am told that the unit checks out and it is my problem. I fear that when I send the unit back in again for service for another $100 shipping, I will once again get the "no problem" diagnosis. The dealer had the unit running for hours and claim they NEVER HEARD A SINGLE NOISE. For whatever reason, the burden of proof of what is clearly a Wadia sourced issue seems to be placed squarely on my shoulders. Any input from the community will be appreciated.

I reside in New Zealand,I purchased a Wadia 861 w/ GNSC statement from Steve Huntly and can relate to the static noise that sound similiar to scratches on a vinyl disc that are not constant but recur with regularity. The other issue I encountered was the cd drawer opening and closing on its own and not reading cds, which was diagnosed as the burn in procedure. It was agreed between Steve and myself that the repair take place here in NZ due to shipping costs involved. The technican was unable to replicate the static noise again but did clean and lube the sled rod as suggested by Steve and in the end the technican resolved the burn in procedure issue. Since its return I have not encountered either issues again. If you like I could email you the actual emails to and from Steve and the Technican(including his actual invoice with a description of the work that took place)who were very professional in their approach. My email address is semurana@gmail.com
Sorry that I have not responded until now....there was nothing to report until today as I finally received my 381 back from repair. Needless to say, I never heard back from Steve H. So much for that. So I turned to my only logical choice: I talked with Brett at Wadia and he took my 381 in for repair. Brett was of the opinion that the current conveyor modules were the source of my gremlins--so he installed the new modules (the repair order says "WS7i Swift Current). He also replaced the electronics associated with the front panel display to an updated, more reliable version (I was having sporadic issues with the unit not responding to remote or direct front panel button commands--the front panel repair is supposed to fix this annoyance). Finally, he secured a loose pad associated with the DAC that Steve had installed as part of his mod. ALL of Steve's mods were left in the unit--I guess that may be a good thing--or not--who knows. So far, no static sounds and or any of the previously noted extraneous and inappropriate noise--just a silent background--finally! It is too soon to say how my "new" 381 compares with the original modded unit before new current conveyors as far as improvements in sound quality--but so far so very, very good!!

Thanks for getting back with us. I hope that everything is fine now.
