Squeezebox touch, Apple TV or Apple Airport Expres

I'm interested in streaming music from my IMac to my stereo.

I have a Moon 100D Dac that I use with my Onkyo ND-S1 IPOD dock.

I would welcome suggestions. I understand that with the Apple products, I can use a optic cable into the DAC. But is the sound good?

I have read rave reviews about the Squeezebox Touch. Is it much better than the other products?

Thanks very much.
No Apple experience, but the SBT is an amazing product. Probably can't go wrong either way.
I have all three products but only play music with the SB Touch. The Apple devices sound bad into the same DACs compared to the Touch. My systems are pretty good but certainly not ultra resolving. If you are just listening to mp3's then the Apple streaming devices will be fine.
I'm having very satisfying results with 2012 i5 8GB Mac Mini > ethernet > Apple Time Capsule/Airport Extreme wireless > Squeeze Box Touch > SP/DIF > DAC.

The Extreme is a substantial improvement over the Express.