Magnum Dynalab MD801

Few months on now since Magnum Dynalab has released the internet radio MD801, I'm intersted to know how much did this unit grow in one's system?

Do you find yourself likely more inclined to use it and less hours of CD listening?

Did it open your taste towards some new music?
I, for one find a great tranquility and joy when accessing the Movies Sound Track Stations.
Thanks for having us in the picture.
Do you mind please to highlight or to give us a snap shot on the very found differences between the MD807T Vs MD809T.
This is when it is received
I'm interested to see this from your own prespective.
Please use your own already touched criteria:

- Two Power supplies
- New Audio stage
- No Capacitors after the gain stage.
Hicham- check out the magnum dynalab web page- it has great write ups on the new internet tuners. you can also read info for the 109T, 108T and other tuners which also go into nice detail about their audio stage and power supply differences between the various models.
i just got response from MG -asked if there was any quality or sonic reason to trade in my 108T with DAC & 801 for the new 809T- they said other than having everything in one box and the larger touchscreen on the 809t- there is no benefit to change-
MG also said they were trying to get the 809 working on the larger screen
Hicham: Please see the Magnum Dynalab link below for an overview of MD Internet tuners and the specifications on their various models:

If you have any specific model questions, please call Larry at Magnum Dynalab. Their customer service is excellent and he can explain the model differences to you.
Please see the Magnum Dynalab link below for an overview of MD Internet tuners and the specifications on their various models: