DAC Accustics Art - Ayon CD5S - AMR DAP 777

I am upgrading my digital front end and need some feedback from you guys. I am considering Accustics Art, Ayon CD5S or Skylla, AMR DAP 777, Bel Canto 3.5

I know AMR and Bel Canto are not the same price range, but they are good. I don't like more analytical character DAC, I am using Conrad LS26, Cary 805.
Any feedback is appreciated.

The only DAC on your list that I have not heard is the Bel Canto 3.5. AS I mentioned I like the AA DAC much better then the others on your list.
Hi Rx8man,

Yes, just give me a call anytime at 219-365-4316. If you get the voice mail just leave your name and number and I'll get back to you.
I have the Ayon CD5S, the Bel Canto DAC3.5VB MkII and the EMM Labs XDS1.

In terms of resolution and dynamics, I rank the XDS1 > Bel Canto > Ayon

In terms of ease of playing all my CDs including the not so well mastered ones, I rank Ayon > Bel Canto > XDS1.

But once I switched to an Audio Research Reference 5SE to give the SS DACs a bit of tube lushness, it's back to XDS1 > Bel Canto > Ayon. IMHO, the Ayon didn't work well being put through a tube preamp at all.

The Ayon however is a bargain considering it provides a fantastic tube preamp, a world class DAC and a great transport. I am using it to front a new system I am building for when I move to a smaller apartment near work.
I have heard the AMR and Ayon players. I have owned Reimyo for quite some time. One day I heard a Naim and everything fell into place. It has the best of the resolution, dynamics, tone and PRAT. It sounds high definition but in a very natural way, just making music. It sounds great with all kinds of CDs and music. It is one heck of a musical device. Try it.