DAC Accustics Art - Ayon CD5S - AMR DAP 777

I am upgrading my digital front end and need some feedback from you guys. I am considering Accustics Art, Ayon CD5S or Skylla, AMR DAP 777, Bel Canto 3.5

I know AMR and Bel Canto are not the same price range, but they are good. I don't like more analytical character DAC, I am using Conrad LS26, Cary 805.
Any feedback is appreciated.
I didn't ask the question, but it sure helps me
AMR DP 777, my next purchase

Audiofun, thank you for the very informative overview. What music server (if you had any experience with them) can you recommend, that utilizing Ayon cdp-5s dac and pre-amp will sound as good as CDs played thru ayon-5s? Thank you.
The mac mini NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! :)... Now here is a tip (a little secret) I found some time ago but did not share it on this site, mainly due to the idiots who want to argue about every little thing. I found a $0.50 usb cable that was EVERY bit as good as my former $3K Locus Design Cynosure (I actually sold the Cynosure) and better than all of the Wireworld usb cable I tested it against (including their $700 usb top of the line cable) head to head and can you believe people actually wanted to argue over $.50 rather than try the thing... Anyways I digress so here goes.., Best Buy sells a powered usb hub under their house brand name Dynex (4 port) that when placed between a music server (tried it with the mac mini and my Lenovo Think Pad running JRiver) and dac has astonishing results. I don't know why, but it worked wonders with my m2Tech Evo my Sonic Weld Diverter HR the Kingrex, the AMR DP777 and the Ayon CD5s. I actually will not listen without it. If you use it make sure you do not power it with the wall wart (i.e. it needs no external power and sounds better without it). Why does it sound so good? I HAVE NO IDEA but it works!It is about $30.00 at best buy or about $3.00 on Amazon.
So we've got 50 cent USB from mini to hub 50 cent USB from hub to dac really do I got it get it?
