Is the Mark Levinson 390S still a reference player


I'm thinking of buying a used ML 390S, but how does
it compare to today's Reference players? Players like
the Esoteric X-05....Luxman D-05 & D-06...Cary 306...
Ayre CX-5xeMp.

Hi. I don't have first hand experience so I was refraining from answering, but since you are getting no answers, here are my 2 cents: I don't think the 390S was ever considered a true "reference" player. It was considered a very good player a while back. I did consider it. But then I learned it was prone to malfunction, which was a deal breaker for me. Later on I heard comments that the new company owning the brand wasn't being very good about servicing older Levinson units. Search around here to learn more.

I hope this helps.
I had a 390s for a while and never fell in love with it. I felt it was a little dark sounding and lacked a certain sparkle. It could sound great rocking along to music with real drive but lacked the subtilty to engross with most other music. I heard later the guy I sold it too had problems with it which was a surpeise as it worked without fault when I had it. I heard a Luxman D06 sound sensational into a mega money Soulution/Verity setup recently fwiw.