Rega Apollo CDP in NYC area

I am looking for someone with a Rega Apollo (current model)in the NYC/NJ area. I recently changed the laser on a unit and it just blows away the stock Rega I compared it to. I want to see if this can be duplicated again. My theory is that the laser in CD players wear out and by just replacing the laser the sound will improve dramatically. What I am offering is a free lasser installation in your Rega and you pay for the part (around $35.00). You can bring yours over to do a comparison to the one I have first to hear the difference and then we can do the comparision after I replace the laser in your unit. I am unable to do the replacemtn laser in the stock Rega because it is on loan from a dealer.

Let me know if anyone is interested.

Thank you.
Nobody has a Rega that they want a new laser installed for free? This would cost you over $300 to get this done. I do them all the time for local dealers. There is no obligation, brings yours by to hear the difference and if you want me to change the laser I will. Rega CDPs have a history of this issue so if yours is around 2 years old or more, you will need this at some point. The difference in the stock unit to the same unit with a new laser is significant.
I have one, and have started to notice a somewhat degraded sound quality lately. Thought it was my amp at first, then thought it was a speaker issue. Grabbed an old PS Audio Digital Link II out of the closet, hooked it up using SPDIF and gave it a listen. Hashy sound disappeared from left channel. Do you think this is laser issue or output issue?

I travel Philly to NYC often.
Hard to tell. I can repair the unit either way and will do the laser for only the part cost. Email me at
