Jolida FX Tube DAC

Anyone tube rolled this unit with good results?

I am thinking of upgrading my DAC, but I want to hear some other opinions of tube choices before I sell this unit.

Thanks in advance
So getting to the tube rolling - here is what I have swapped/listened to so far: 10 year old JJ ECC83's; Groove Tube 12-AX7M Mullard reissues also from about 10 years ago (these were great tubes - don't think you can get them anymore); Telefunken smooth plates; Telefunken ribbed plates, Amperex Holland Bugle Boy's from the early '60's. Again, they come with the new Tung-Sol's.

So what defines success in tube rolling? Is it that different tubes have differing sonic qualities when installed in a piece of audio equipment? If so, you will have success when you roll the tubes in the Glass FX.

I haven't decided on which tubes I am going with yet. That always takes awhile. Surprisingly the Tung-Sol's actually work very well. I am leaning towards the Bugle Boys. When it comes down to it though it is always a subjective choice made by the listener that fits their particular preferences. So all I can say with certainty is that swapping the tubes changes the sonic characteristics.

Again, the tubes are very easy to access.
This is an aside but if you have the FX DAC or the integrated and don't care for the bright blue LEDs there are a couple of things you can do about it. I have the FX10 integrated on a shelf directly above the computer monitor in my office and the blue LEDs were very distracting.

I first took out the tubes and put a couple of layers of dark red fingernail polish on the LEDs, which created a much less obnoxious purple-blue color and cut down the brightness.

After awhile I felt that wasn't enough so I took off the bottom plate of the amp and clipped one of the leads to each LED. It was a very simple process and I was much happier with something that now looks like a tube amp instead of a video game.

Really nice amp, I use it with a pair of JohnBlue JB3 speakers and it's a wonderful combo.
With the Jolida Glass FX Tube DAC can you roll in other 12AX7 tube types such as 5751, 7025, 6681 or 7058 tubes? If you have rolled in these kinds of tubes what were your thoughts on them with the FX Tube DAC?
Jedinite24 - The 5751 was recommended to me but because I'd received several pair of vintage 12ax7's in a tube swap I never pursued any of the other types. I've used vintage and new Tung Sol, RCA black plate, Matsushita, Sylvania/Baldwin, the stock Electro-Harmonix and reissue Gold Lion pairs. The stock tubes are nothing special but all the others sound great and the differences among them are not that significant.
Thanks for all the great answers. I did like the Jolida, but the lack of a good driver for my Mac has been an issue and I could never quite get enough warmth out of it. I have moved to the Wyred 4 Sound DAC-1 and I am very happy so far.

The integration with the Mac and Apple TV2 are great! I also have a digital line run from my Oppo BD95 into the W4S and call me crazy, but I think it is better then the Oppo connected via XLR to my Jolida 502.

Lots of changes and time for things to break in, but I think I am moving in the correct direction,.