Mcintosh CD players vs. Wadia Cd Players

I'm getting ready to purchase the McIntosh MCD 1100 but a friend mentioned the 2 Wadia players (I forget the models but one was a little more the other a little less $$. I haven't heard either but I tend to like the more detailed sound over warmth. Anyone hear both?
>>Yes, we are an authorized dealer for Wadia but that is not why I am recommending them per se.<<

Yeah, right.

Had I been both a McIntosh & Wadia dealer - or neither (like Audiofeil) I would still direct you toward Wadia.

The 381 is a strong recommendation at $3,000 less than the MCD 1100. Even more so when you consider that, based on our phone conversation, you don't require SACD playback or integration with a computer. Sounds to me like your friend is advising you properly.
2 Things...

1) I'll be running unbalanced direct to Mono Blocks
(So still Wadia? and is the audio out in the 381i the
same as S7i ?) I hear that analog out volume control
(mac)is normally favored over digital control (wadia)

2) Chris10an above mentioned "Bugs" in their products. Has
anyone else (fellow Audiogoners)experienced problems
with Wadia?
All pruducts will have their problems (at some point) I
just don't want to get into a product that's known to
have problems/bugs. (I'm not saying Wadia has that
reputation It's just that Chris raised a concern)

Tnx to all for your input.
Give it up Burt. As soon as you mention you are a dealer, your opinion usually becomes worthless on here. (think back to the trust a dealer to put together a 10k system thread) Unless you recommend something you don't sell that is, which I actually do at times. I don't carry th JL home line anymore, but guess what, I still tell people they have awesome subs, and if it's in the budget, it should be on their short list. Doesn't anyone think a dealer sells a certain line because they actually believe it's a good product? I don't know Burt,(Seattlehifi) but, maybe he is just a nice guy, trying to help, and offer good advice.
As an individual that has owned numerous Wadia units over the past 20+ years, and, as a Wadia dealer during half of that time, having sold many, many dozens of units at high volume dealerships (Listen Up, Sounds Like Music), I can assure you that Wadia products are no more or less reliable than any other well respected high end digital brand. Because they specialize in CD players, transports, and dacs - maintenance and repair of worn "moving parts" on players and transports is to be expected. The Wadia repair service process is simple and the turn around is expedient. Should you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact Wadia directly:

service at wadia dot com

