Isolated or dedicated lines for audio ?

Re wiring all 3 systems in my home for audio. I have one side claiming its best to do an isolated and one side claims dedicated lines are better . i am no electrical engineer and want to do this once , right . There will be 3 lines / outlets per system. Thanks for any input!
I don't know what is meant by isolated, but idealistically, you'd want at least one dedicated line for your amp, one for digital, and one for your other analog gear. Preferably all running off the same phase/leg at the service panel.

As long as you're running new lines, you might consider purchasing some romex/house wiring that has been cryo'ed or double cryo-ed. I've had some in my garage and have not installed it yet, but I would anticipate good results. And it's a very inexpensive upgrade.

You should also consider which outlets to use.

And you may want to consider different grounding options.

I've lifted all the grounds except for the cdp which has provided a tad better sonics than floating all the grounds and than grounding just the preamp.

Before the electrician leaves the job, I'd suggest you have your electrician demonstrate for you that each outlet is in phase, grounded, and the service panel is properly labeled for the given component/outlet.

I have quite a bit of experience with cryoing various wires and parts and I am a great advocate cryo treatments.
Do you have much experience with double cryoing ?
A couple of IEC connectors are double-cryo'd but that's it.

I too am a real advocate for cryo-treatments and double.

But Larry it sounds like you have something to share regarding double-cryo-treated parts. Please share.

Where is a good source for cryo'd wiring? Solid or stranded, whis is better for this use. So far the only place I've found is JPS labs at 1.50 per foot each. If you make two 20amp runs, any harm in having a common ground for both outlets? Grounds (and neutral) always wind up on the same buss later anyway.
Brainwater, It depends on what you want. Dedicated is usually just 12-2 with/ground or 10-2 w/grd romex. Use a good quality receptacle like Porter Ports, or a good quality 20 amp hosp grade duplex receptacle.

Dedicated circuit with an isolated ground is usually installed in metallic conduit, either EMT or MC flexible conduit. Conduit is used to help shield RF noise. In this case an isolated ground type receptacle is used. The receptacle equipment ground wire is an insulated wire.

One thing to consider in either case is the length of the branch circuit runs. Long runs tend to invite ground loop problems. If the runs are long sometimes the equipment ground wires will need to be tied together at the outlet rough-in boxes, that tends to mute the isolated insulated ground application.
