Ayre CDX-7eMP or Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP

I currently have the Ayre CDX-7eMP in my system. I have been looking at the Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP. Is this a sideways move?
The rest of my system consists of Aesthetix Calypso pre, Bel Canto 500 REFm mono's and Usher 8571 speakers. Look forward to your opinions.
I could be dead wrong, but I thought I heard something about both of them using the same Oppo transport. Again, not 100% sure.
Hey Orelayer,

First, Stereo5 is mistaken the EMC-1UP does not use the Oppo transport, but a very high grade Phillips model.I have heard both players and own the EMC-1UP and believe that the EMC-1UP is quite a more musical player with tube like timbre,3D imaging and more liqidity then the Ayre player that I found rather dry sounding. For more details you can go to my review on the EMC-1UP at hometheaterreview.com.
I would definately go with the Ayre. Not only does it sound good, it goes very well with your Caylpso.