Uprgrading my Metrum Octave DAC

I currently have a Metrum Octave DAC with an audiphileo-2 feeding it. I'm thinking of auditioning some other DACs in the sub $3000 range to replace it. I would prefer to have a one box solution, so am considering:

the Ayre QB-9 or maybe a wavelength Brick

Has anyone compared either of these to the Octave, or have any other suggestions?
As good as many find the Octave,the new Metrum Hex is said to be a substantial improvement(that`s impressive). See the current 6 moons review and comments.
I did see the 6moons review and from that, it appears (by photos and deduction) to primarily be two Octaves in parallel, with additional logic for the new inputs provided.

Also, I don't like how the single ended outputs now require a transformer. Technically speaking, transformers are not where it's at. But I realize that the sum of all parts could be something special. (maybe I read that wrong, it seems crazy) (unless that's effectively the low pass filter in this output)

I do like that Cees is not using the same old topologies, chips and methodologies that all the other vendors seem to be permutating through.

I've had my Octave, driven by the AP directly connected to the SPDIF RCA input (wish it was a BNC) for about a year now.

Can't find anything that can touch it. Don't like the surreal sound of upsampling..

BTW, in case you have not discovered it yet, driving a TUBE preamp with the Octave sounds unbelievable. In this config, the tube preamp acts like the perfect low pass filter for the filterless Octave.

I'm using a SP17.

Forgot to mention the perfect wave MKII as another potential. I realize the ayre and brick are a few years old now, but from what I've read, they still hold their own with modern DACs.
Forgot to mention the perfect wave MKII as another potential. I realize the ayre and brick are a few years old now, but from what I've read, they still hold their own with modern DACs.

I hear you: I have my Octave connected to a Lamm LL2, into a McIntosh MC275 and I'm pretty happy. I, too, wish the Octave had BNC instead of RCA.

What's your source, before the AP? I have a Squeezebox Touch, with software mods, and I'm looking at adding an AP2 in between to reduce jitter. Maybe a dedicated server later on to replace the SBT.