Better Upgrade Path? Better CDP or add a DAC?

As a result of some significant system upgrades, (new amp and speakers) my current Bryston cd player has begun to sound a bit like the weak link. Hoping to gain some insight into which may be the more effective upgrade path, a better one box cd player, e.g. a used Esoteric, Cary, Ayer? Or add a quality DAC? Not much interest at this point of entering into the computer audio world. Thanks, Jayh31
Both transport and DAC are of great importance . Can't blame you from wanting to stay away from computer and hard drive music . I have all my music on hard drive but rarely listen that way . Oh , and stay away from anything with the Oppo name on it , I've tried a few , complete junk .
That oppo is tempting me also. Jay, if you have wi fi in your home, you could pay $32 for a year of pandora one, and $10 per month for spotify and stream music through the oppo. You'd have access to sooo much music, right there, any time you want and it sounds pretty dang good. The oppo would play your cd's and as a bonus, it's a blu ray player. It seems to have a pretty kick butt dac too. I like external dac's but when you can have it all in one package without compromise, why not?
Yes Jay,
I tend to believe that, however, having a good DAC gives you an advantage to play your computer music. I may also be intrigued by RW comments about Oppo BDP105, but prefer even greater versatility of creating my own DIY media server all HDD, SSD and card-reader based with all possible inputs/outs I need. This way the upgrades to later technology DAC chips or processors will be the most cost efficient.