Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?

I lived many blissful years with my Reimyo CDP-777, but finally decided it was time to start the transition to PC audio. I opted for the Esoteric K01 in order to have the maximum playback flexibility with CD, SACD, and asynchronous USB DAC. Fast-forward about 6 months and I find myself really missing the warmth, tonal richness, and musicality of the Reimyo when listening to to the rather cold, dry, and neutral K01. It is not a bad player by any means, but I've just come to realize that I'm a musicality guy as opposed to an analytical guy.

Now I'm in a bit of a quandary in regards to how to maintain that flexibility with something more to my taste. Are there any CD/SACD/asynch USB players (or combos) that lean more to the Reimyo's sense of musicality? Harmonix's current line still doesn't do USB input, or decode any thing but PCM up to 44.1. I'm starting to to think my only option is to buy the Harmonix for CD playback and then have a completely separate system for SACD/PC audio playback, but I would love to avoid that if at all possible. Any suggestions are welcome.
At this price level, I would explore the MSB line. Their transports will send SACD digitally to their DACs using proprietary I2S, and they are supposed to be very musical DACs. I will get one myself this week to confirm the theory.
@Guidocorona: Yes, I'm thinking the K-01 simply isn't my cup of tea. I still very much believe it's a reference level player, but at this level it really is about individual preference. There are numerous things the K-01 does better than my old Reimyo, including treble/bass extension, dynamic impact, and macro-detail, but I still feel something is missing when I listen to, eg, female vocalists that were so magical on my Reimyo and now sound rather lifeless and dry on the K-01. On the other hand, the K-01 is more exciting than the Reimyo on large-scale, dynamic music, but I tend to listen to smaller-scale stuff more often.

@Edorr: I do have my eye on MSB's products, but they are also very expensive and I dislike two-box options. Still, they're something I'm considering.
No1willfan, get Ayon CDP-5s with upgraded (Ayon USA does it) NOS tubes. Great player, if you don't have a lot of SACDs.
Not sure you will like the MSB gear, as it has a similar tonality to Esoteric K-01 (I have the DAC IV Platinium at home right now).

Accuphase gear is worth serious consideration. Accuphase house sound is slightly on the warm side, very full-bodied, great texture and liquid tonality.

I have tried both Reimyo CDP-777 and Accuphase DP-700 (and also the more expensive DP800/DC801 separates) in my system 3-4 years back. Although I did not have a chance to compare them side by side, IMO they sound more alike than not.

From what I have heard, the new 900/901 is more detaild/transparent than the former top of the range 800/801 combo, but is still warmer than MSB/dCS. Esoteric variety.

There is a 900/901 combo listed on AudiogoN right now. I also have a friend who is selling a one year old 800/801 combo for much less.
Interesting, Elberoth...how does MSB compare in your opininon? I think you've Scarlatti at home if i am not mistaken. Any comparisons are welcome!