Esoteric K-03 or K-01

After many reads and auditions I am ready to pull a trigger on esoterik K-03 player. I also have the opportunity to get a new K-01 for a great price, but without being able to audition it and still a few $$$ more, so it is dificault to commit to.

Those who had a chance to hear/have both players, how much K-01 is better than k-03?

May be for my system K-03 will do fine and K-01 is overkill?

I intend to run Esoteric player direct to amplifier, how much K-01 may sound better direct to amplifier in compare with K-03?

My speakers are Marten Django XL that driven by ML # 532H.
Thank you.
I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a new CD player. I've had an Accuphase DP-78 that sounds wonderful, but has developed some mechanical issues, so I think it's time for a new player. I've been offered a great deal on a new Accuphase DP-600, but also very good deals on an Esoteric K-03 or K-01. The only one of any of these I've heard is the K-03. I have a friend who has one, and we auditioned his against my Accuphase side by side, and found them roughly equal in sound quality, although they were different and we preferred one or the other, depending on what was playing. I'm interested in whether anyone has heard the Esoteric against the Accuphase, and also how much better the K-01 really is. The Absolute Sound review was pretty unequivocal, but I never know what reviewers are thinking, and there is a big price difference. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Hey Skreich, I had a K-01 in my system and it performed flawlessly, though I could here the transport when I was right next to it , I can't say it effected the sound of any music I played, no matter how quiet the passage gets! As far the sound, detail, detail, detail! This deck is awesome , especially with good recordings. The delineation of instruments and sounds are so good they sound in the room at times. I have the X-01/D2 I use for multi channel, the K-01 is a big step up from the X-01. As far as the price goes, the K-01's are out there near 12K and thats not that far off from the K-03.
I am an Esoteric dealer
Let me know if I can get you great prices or answer any questions
I find it interesting that all the post's I've read on the K-01 and the K-03 during the past year not once anywhere has anyone stated the Esoteric model's have a very organic
analogue quality and sound like vinyl. I have listened to previous Esoteric model's four years ago and found them to be antiseptic and a little too cool for my taste and understand the current model's have made slight improvement's to correct those sonic problem's. The Marantz SA-11S3 for $4K is all you will ever need with its warm, rich, outstanding quality that compare's to vinyl.
Music Direct recently informed me that every time a new batch of SA-11S3's come in they sell out within four weeks and are currently expecting their next shipment. I have heard the SA-11S2 a year ago and was floored. The sound quality was so incredible you completely forget about price and are drawn in and swept away by the full, fast, organic richness
that stop's you like a deer in the headlights. If you think
nowaday's that paying higher's prices will get you better performance from a disc player, think again. That was true five or six year's ago but with the technical R&D with digital technology player's currently priced in the $4K to $6K will equal the musical quality of player's costing $20K
five year's ago. The new Marantz SA-11S3 is a giant killer that just might make you consider putting your turntable in the attic.