Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD?

The Esoteric K01 has several up-conversion and filter options for CD play-back. Unfortunately, each up-conversion option and each filter option requires approximately 500 hours of 'break-in' to sound it's best. I have owned the Esoteric K01 since it's release. It is a superb SACD and CD player. I have 'broken in' some but not all filter and up-conversion settings. I am still unable to decide which combination I like best. I am currently using S_DLY1 (for digital filter) and 2Fs (for up conversion). I would like to know what settings other Esoteric K01 owners like best. It would be helpful if If you can explain why those settings sound better to you than other combinations. I wonder which settings the experts at Esoteric/Teac would recommend?

I like DF Off and Org. Much more organic sounding, 2nd S_DLY1 with Org. FRI with Org on recordings that need some body due to poor production. I like none of the 2X or 4X up sampling modes takes way from the recording to much. FIR 2 I like at times. But the more I've listened to DF Off and org sampling. The music sounds more like how it was recorded from my owning many of the CD on vinyl before. Cables of course can make these likes changes. So much goes into the final sound, your room is as big as the gear.
I think when using the Esoteric el natural org and DF setting much like the SACD when played you are hearing the quality of the DAC's in this unit without manipulating the information off the disc. These units have superb DAC's. I listened to Sinatra this morning, went through all the filter setting that I like and have used, enjoyed a few of them, but every time I went back to el natural setting, Sinatra sounded like a real person singing in front of me, tone of his voice was spot on, his phasing was better, more depth and tone color that makes the reproduction was as real as a system can sound besides live of course. High Hope you could hear the hall Frank was in and the tone of the kids were perfect, use the setting, some areas came more forward, Sinatra's voice got bigger, Bass got fatter, so more hi-fi'ish, back to el natural and everything feel into place how a recording should sound, a balance to it all and much more firmer and detailed bass by far. I must say though I do you a BNC, Digital terminators and Cardas RCA caps for the unused RCA outs on my player, by doing so the noise level drops to such a extent, that your jaw will drop, these small tweaks are well know for any digital sourse, don't use them terminate them. Cost $25.00. I am enjoying my system more and more now. When you start grabbing recordings to replay you know you and found something special.
Hi PhillyB.... I much prefered Sdly_2 with 4X oversampling.... But there is no right nor wrong... Just personal preferences... And this is exactly why these devices offer us user-selectable settings. G.

Your experience very much mirrors my own. I tried the various permutations and combinations initially and found that DSD uosampling with filter OFF was preferred for my system. But one day I just happened to try out ORG with filter OFF and Wow! Yes, as a Sinatra fan myself, the Chairman never sounded better spinning in the K-01. So, I settled on this combination.

Lately, I have moved on and am now using the K-01 only as a cd transport driving a new hi-res dac. Time marches on and so does digital tech in audio.
Still, I am glad you are enjoying the ORG/OFF settings, which I did very much for some time.

Cheers! J.
I do like the unfiltered PCM setting on the K-01X-- a vivid and open sound. However with some CDs or after extended listening this setting becomes fatiguing. The unfiltered noise products get under the skin.