USB SQ, what can one expect

Have been trying out the USB connection on a Resolution Audio Cantata. The wire I've been using is generic (nothing fancy)and I've been using a Dell laptop using JRiver just to try this out. My problem is that my CD's played on the transport built into the Cantata just sound fantastic, three dimensional, everything and the same CD's ripped to the computer don't hold a candle to it played over the USB. I've also tried some high rez downloads. Is this to be expected or is the problem that I need to optimize the USB playback more. Thanks for any guidance that can be offered.
Just to mention, USB cables behave differently between different components.. I recently auditioned several and none sounded to me the way reviewers and other users described them. Unless someone has the exact same output and input devices their opinion as it relates to your setup will be pretty much worlthless.
Red - just this week I've been ripping CD's with dbPoweramp.

The improvements were significant - then again I was using iTunes prior to this - won't ever do that again

You can get dbPoweramp for a free 21 day trial - just google them.

The improvements I noticed were a more believable spatial presentation, especially on live tracks, but even studio recordings were much more life-like. The high-end was also much better.

One of the audio stores I frequent gave me the tip. He swears by it

Give it a whirl and see what you think

Erikminer - USB cables will sound different in every system. The reason for this is the USB interfaces vary a lot, the USB ports on the computer vary a lot and each system has different ground-loop noise. All of these play into it.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

I have a RA Cantata and use a fine usb cable my dealer provided me with (I don't even know who makes it but it's not fancy)...

But anyway I have a PC and Jriver as well and I have NO problems with USB audio and have compared files on my computer via USB to the actual CD and could not hear much of a difference at all. The CD MAYBE being a bit fuller..

Some folks have good suggestions already in this thread, of things for you to try. Your ears will be the final say of course. All I know is my system sounds great when using my Cantata's USB input. It's nice and simple and I have no desire to try any tweaks with it :)
My experience was the mirror image of the OP. I had a Wadia transport running coax to a Benchmark DAC. When I ripped the CD's to FLAC using JRiver, then to the same DAC using Wireworld Starlight, things sounded noticeably better. Maybe some DACs do USB better/worse than other inputs. There are some optimizations for JRiver, easily found with Google. I'm running the tracks out of memory.