USB SQ, what can one expect

Have been trying out the USB connection on a Resolution Audio Cantata. The wire I've been using is generic (nothing fancy)and I've been using a Dell laptop using JRiver just to try this out. My problem is that my CD's played on the transport built into the Cantata just sound fantastic, three dimensional, everything and the same CD's ripped to the computer don't hold a candle to it played over the USB. I've also tried some high rez downloads. Is this to be expected or is the problem that I need to optimize the USB playback more. Thanks for any guidance that can be offered.
Hi Willie, that took me two seconds. I have read both of
those in the past. It fails to illustrate the inherent
problem with USB. You can compare diffent systems. I am
talking about the poor music interface of USB due to its
design. You can see more and more with new designs that
USB is flawed (after ALL these years, now there is a dual
usb cable with separate power? How may understand that
USB, with all the problems, even has power going through
that cable - and some designs add more power and some
dont?) There is NO standard cause its, excuse the pun,
"wilie nillie". See, Willie, back when
computers started getting into everybodys house, customer
sevice was out of control and too big an expense because
users struggled with attaching printers, and whatnot.
So, that made it idiot proof and created USB. And now
all us idiots 'assume' thats the best place to hook our
$100k hifi to. me says no. Me says take a look at it
and make an intelligent decision based on science and
knowledge, not based on what Steve Nugent wants to sell
Cerrot - you are correct...

Simply put...
- USB does send data in packets
- each packet contains a CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check
- the CRC tells the DAC whether the packet received was identical to the packet sent
- Asynch USB allows the DAC to request packet re-transmission
- if incomplete the DAC requests the same packet until the CRC indicates the packet is complete
- even if the CRC is corrupted the DAC simply requests the packet again
- the DAC then assembles the data stream once complete and plays it.

If this did not work the DAC would simply stop playing or skip - which in my case it does not.

This is the same technology used to transfer the spreadsheets and accounting info of Fortune 500 companies - and it works - otherwise computer systems in general would fail miserably - they don't

S/PDIF does not have CRC checks and balances and therefore you NEVER know if bits are getting dropped.

Yes - there may be other issues with USB, but transferring the correct data stream to an Asynch DAC is not one of them

Here's another link

Is it the perfect solution - maybe not

But it is NOT as bad as you are portraying it

I think it really depends on which USB approach a specific DAC manufacturer has implemented.

I have observed power issues with DAC's that power the USB circuitry via the USB cable, which most quality USB DAC's tend to avoid

Willie - a dual cable may help, but it does not eliminate the common-mode noise problem.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
XMOS provides a tool to record errors on the USB cable. Errors do happen occasionally.

Gordon Rankin believes that they occur often and are the cause of some SQ issues. I'm not so sure...

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Willie, you definitely know more about USB than I do. I can't stand the sound and can't stand how they shoved it down everybodys throat. The USB is a filthy, disgusting place. Iwill check the link.