USB SQ, what can one expect

Have been trying out the USB connection on a Resolution Audio Cantata. The wire I've been using is generic (nothing fancy)and I've been using a Dell laptop using JRiver just to try this out. My problem is that my CD's played on the transport built into the Cantata just sound fantastic, three dimensional, everything and the same CD's ripped to the computer don't hold a candle to it played over the USB. I've also tried some high rez downloads. Is this to be expected or is the problem that I need to optimize the USB playback more. Thanks for any guidance that can be offered.
Willie, I have been using the ESI Juli@ for a while now. I have had a few; off the mobo (Intel, forget the chipset); I've tried RME, Universal Audio, Maudio, the usual asus and creative nonsense, pretty much all I could get my hands on. Firewire was much better than USB but I have found the ESI Juii@ ($150!) is the best for my ears/system - and ironically - the cheapest.
USB can sound as good as vinyl? I think I just peed a little. Steve, do you even have a turntable? Unplug that USB phonoplayer and see if you can borrow a VPI Traveler. I will lend you a grado gold and you will blow away your synchro mess. Hear that? Its a guitar string!
I'm beginning to sense why Cerrot thinks that no one listens to him. I can only speak for myself, of course.
Cerrot - read the links. Its my customers vinyl, high-end stuff. I don't have vinyl or CD player anymore. My digital sounds better. I have heard your Juli@t in the Bryston. Good sounding, but my stuff leaves it in the dust.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve - I actually KNOW the guy that you posted the link from (I brought his preamp). I doubt he thinks digital sounds as good as vinyl. You can call him - want his number? You hav never heard my ystem so saying yours leaves it in the dust makes me laugh and shows your partiality to all thins yours. Love it - his digital sounds better than vinyl - which he doens't have!