Low cost DAC

Just got my Adcom gear back from cleaning and repair (GTP-500 preamp and GFA-555 amp). Source is an Onix XCD-88 CDP. Speakers (for now) are Pioneer SP-BS22-LR. in conversation with the repair guys, I asked if there was a way to run the audio from my Samsung 8500 Plasma (sources are Comcast cable box, Apple TV and PS3) through this audio system. They recommended a short toslink from the TV to a DAC to the preamp. They suggested a low-cost DAC from Amazon like the FiiO D3 or SMO Muse. Is there an alternative at or under $100 that would improve the sound noticeably both for TV and/or CD?
+1 Zd542 I highly doubt you would hear an improvement using a low cost dac in this situation.
Thanks for the responses. Sort of what I expected. The Dac in the Onix is a Burr-Brown, so it will serve for music. If I run analog IC outs into my preamp, but continue to connect them to the TV by HDMI, do I just turn the TV volume down or mute the channel to prevent the TV speakers from playing at the same time as the stereo?