Why so many PS Audio DirectStreams for sale?

There are no fewer than 7 DirectStreams being offered on Audiogon today. I don't own a DS myself, but the consensus seems to be that it's a great DAC.

If that's the case, I'm wondering: why are so many owners selling their units? What are they moving to?
When you sell allot of a product there will eventually be more used for sale.
Perhaps it's the Kardashian effect--being in the company of the newest celebrity device makes life magical, then fades...and right now digital is announcing a new winner faster than bingo night down at the Elks club.
I agree with you Electroslacker.
That is why I respect companies that do not subscribe to the flavor of the month club but tend to have product lines that are stable over time.
The digital arena is an exception right now because the technology is changing so fast.
When everyone sells, now is the time to buy. I am selling one for a great price.