Linear Tracking Turntables - Best??

Entertaining the idea of acquiring a linear tracking turntable. Which was condidered the most sota. Ease of set up and maintenace is a prerequsite. Most I have talked with,say linear only way to go. OK AUDIOGON MEMBERS ITS YOUR TURN. Convince me one way or the other
I owned the Goldmund Studietto turntable/arm and found it to be extraordinarily revealing. Once set up and dialed in for optimum performance, it was very straightforward to operate. This linear tracker was also a relative bargain ($3,000 new) compared to the Goldmund Studio model ($5,500+), which was considered the best TT/arm at the time. Unfortunately, Studiettos rarely come up for sale on the used market. Hope this helps. Daddy-O.
A good pivot tone arm is every bit as good as line tracking. They both have advantages, it is not as simple as one is better than the other.
Najo, I disagree strongly. I have spent years and thousands of dollars trying to find a pivoted-arm combo that did not have the ever-present graininess, harshness, and spittiness which happens at the end of records. It's physically impossible with traditional pivoted arms. Records are cut in a straight line and should be played back that way. Sorry, but that's the truth. Pivoted arms have geometric error which is easily heard near the ends of records when the groove velocity is the slowest. Once you hear a good linear tracking system, like a Goldmund or Forsell, you will never want to go back to pivoted arms like Regas, SMEs, Grahams, etc. I've owned all of them! The record will now sound beautiful from start to finish. So, my advise is go find a good used Goldmund.
Have to put in a word for the Eminent Technology arm which not only maintains it's position today with the finest but is seriously unfussy. The few shortcomings, less bass than others and the poor wiring on the original are solved by the five gallon gas can and the litz (?) wire upgrade of the series II. Paired with the VPI HW-19 IV which has the TNT bearing it's 95% of the Goldmund and Basis for 1/10 the price.