Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

Thanks Albert, will report here as soon as I have tried it out.
A propos rituals: I just rememembered, that the great Enid Lumley before playing an LP( wonder what happened to her, she was thought nuts in the seventies for propagating tweaks, which are common knowledge now ) used to rotate the LP or her Mapleshade to a specific position to place the stylus on. A position she had found out to give the best sound.
You can call this a "ritual" if you like, but I think it is indispensable: My system is in a dedicated biogenically sterilized room. Before entering the sterile listening room, I spend exactly 27 minutes in a high pressure antiseptic shower, rinse another 9 minutes with reverse osmosis water, then don a cryo-pathogen full body suit with a tri-mix (oxygen, nitrogen and helium) rebreather. I'd rather not discuss the details of my system, since most people would find it somewhat extreme -- such as the fact that my turntable is micronically calibrated to compensate for the rotation of the earth in order to neutralize the potentially disastrous effects of the magnetic field upon the platter.

Unfortunately, all of my meticulous preparations usually take several hours and I have never had much time left over to actually listen to music.
You forgot to mention your EEG, Plasmatronic , which will monitor the state of your Delta brain waves, in order to tell you when, through careful breathing exercises, you have brought yourself into the right meditative state to be receptive for a musical offering.
jeez, i don't take that many precautions when i go into/out of the animal rooms w/the aids-monkeys... ;~)

doug s.