Why No respect for Denon DL160 cartridge

I have been into analogue for many years. I have had $2500 systems, and $200 turntable/arm/combos.
In a bit of a lark, I had a new Denon DL160 Hi Output moving coil on my AR ES-1-SME 3009IIIs system. THIS IS A VERY,VERY musical cartridge. Having had Lyra Lydians,Blue Point specials, all manner of Goldrings, Grados, and a Sumiko SHO, I know the sound of high end cartridges and the competition. So I ask you, why have reviewers ignored this $180 wonder? From top to bottom and very fine 3 dimensional transducer. Anyone else know about this Cartridge?

Glad to hear someone likes it. I have allways wanted to hear one. We live in a cult society!
I heard the 103 is the only one to have. Not true at all.
Denon makes many fine cartriges.
Denon would'nt make and sell them if they where no good.
They list the 160 in there new catolog for the US.
There must be a reason.
After all with a name like Denon how could you go wrong.
Especially for the cost.
I would'nt be suprised if it sounded better than the 103..

I own a denon304 and like it very much.....another bargain as I got two of them for 300cdn each...that's like 150 Canadian tire money, eh? Enjoy, the denon's are fun....Bluenose.
I'm running the dl160 @ 100 ohms. Why does it sound better than at the mm stage recommended?
I have a Denon DL 207 mc cartridge virtually NIB. I had it re tipped by Denon years ago and havent used it because I changed pre amps and it didnt have enough out put. I do remember what a big step up it was over the ortofons, shures and AT s I had tried prior. If this floats any ones boat, make an offer. I recall it was about $3oo. new.