Vinyl's Noise Floor

vinyl's noise floorI'm actively considering returning to analog after a 19 year hiatus from it. I listen to a lot of classical music, which, as we know, has many pianissimo, i.e., soft passages. If the soon-to-be desuetude 16 bit format has an attribute, in my opinion, it would be an extremely low noise floor. I've read about the advantages of analog, the most salient of which is its innate sense of continuity and palpability. What concerns me about vinyl is its, supposedly, high noise floor.Assuming that the recording is of the highest calibre, the vinyl impeccably clean, and the analog rig unequivocally great, will there be even a modicum of distracting noise during a near-silent segment of music?
No, there won't be if you supply the motor with clean power & isolate the turntable well.
It is possible to get vinyl as quiet as CD, but there are dozens of factors making an absolute yes or no answer difficult. Much Depends on how hard you want to work to get there.

There is nothing in your post that hints at related equipment or quality of software. Even if "highest calibre" as you state, does this mean brand new or always cared for LP's from your collection?

What is the quality of the turntable arm and cartridge, how efficient are the speakers and what are you using for the phono stage? How close do you sit from your speakers and at what sound pressure level must you listen to fill your listening room and convince yourself that the balance of the presentation is correct?
Albert, although I'm almost certain I'll like the sound of vinyl, it would be prudent to start with a modest front-end in order to discern whether I do indeed dig analog. My prospective introductory rig will consist of a VPI Scout with the factory mounted cartridge and a Lehmann Silver Cube phono stage. This is to be coupled to a Wavac MD300B integrated amp and Merlin VSM/M speakers. Audioquest Anaconda interconnects are will be interpose between the table's rca jacks and phono stage and P/stage to amp. The speaker cables are AQ Volcano. In addition, I plan to purchase the VPI LP cleaner.

I am willing to be punctilious with regard to table/arm/cartridge set-up and, of course, cleaning and storing the LPs per recommendations--whatever it takes. The listen room is very isolated from external sound, thereby heightening my tinnitus. I prefer to listening volume of about 90db.

If I like the VPI Scout's sound, I may ascend to the Clearaudio Master reference/Insider cartridge/ Walker P/stage, if one can find these on the used market.

Thanks for your response!