LP Cataloging Software?

Does anyone know of an automated or semi-automated software program for cataloging LP's? There are a few out there for CD's and I know of one called Maestro Manager for classical LP's but nothing for popular/jazz/rock/bluegrass/etc/ LP's. By automated, I mean that it works by linking to an on-line database where titles, song lists, times, dates, and such can be automatically downloaded and then the user can add to fields such as condition, buying price,location, etc.

I have quite a number in a dBase file but it takes forever to manually enter everything. The CD program works like a champ but the CD's and LP's generally differ with respect to song order, icluded songs, release dates and such.

I would be obliged if someone can steer me towards such a program.
A friend in Australia was looking for something like this. I will email her over the weekend and see if she ever found anything.
I founbd a databse for rock called "ROCKBASE" form a UK firm. It is on the orderof 60 quid and is supposed to contain 337,000 titles (LP/CD/Cassette) but, of course, for rock only. Anyone used it before?
Check Stereophile Links 2 Die 4. They have several. Or just get yourself a database & roll your own. I've always been disappointed with canned software because they have more fields than you want to fill in.

Making your own database doesn't require much more effort. Basically, just an idea of what you want to do.