VPI HW19 Mk IV platter upgrade, speed variations?


I recently purchased an upgraded HW19 Mk IV with a VPI upgraded platter. The upgraded platter is so thick that it keeps the dustcover from closing when the record clamp is on. The cover also presses against the tonearm when the clamp is not in place. I have an overhang above my turntable, so leaving the dust cover open is not an option.

In lieu of buying a taller cover, I have reinstalled the old platter, which was included. Aesthetically, it's much improved, and the cover is functional again.

However it seems as though I detect some platter speed variation with the original platter.

I wonder several things:
- First, I'm not sure the variations are real - I'm just beginning to get back into vinyl after a 15-year haitus. So, my ear and my benchmarks may be off. I would think the VPI would be good enough that speed fluctuations would be nearly inaudible???

- Would the significantly greater mass of the upgraded turntable smooth out platter speed variations, to the extent that they're audible?

- Might there be a problem with either the belt or motor, due to wear/age, and this is the root problem that the previous owner tried to overcome w/ the upgrade?

- How does one measure platter speed variation, to be sure?

- I'd like to just sell the upgraded platter and bearing, since this solves my dustcover problem, but not if the upgrade gives a real and significant improvement.

Any thoughts/observations/guidance would be appreciated.
I also own a VPI HW-19 Mk4 with the upgraded (TNT) platter, bearing, and springs. I found this upgrade SIGNIFICANTLY improved the performance of the HW-19, due to the increased mass of the platter which results in better speed stability (flywheel effect), quieter LP playback, and improved dynamics and transparency. I have the tall dustcover on my turntable, but I always remove it when playing records so the cover does not resonate.

FWIW, my suggestion is: DO NOT undo the platter upgrade -- it makes the HW-19 Mk4 a much better turntable. Instead, think about the following 3 options:
1. buy the tall dustcover (which I think is the best idea);
2. remove the low dustcover when playing LP's;
3. buy one of the after-market acrylic "shields" that sit on top of the platter and have a raised section that extends above the tonearm.

The VPI motors do not "wear out" in the literal sense -- they either run or don't run, in my experience. About 2 years ago, I called VPI and talked directly with Harry Weisfeld about this, and he said don't worry about the motor until it fails. The drive belt, however, benefits from periodic replacement, as it can stretch a bit. You can improve the performance of the belt by dusting it with baby talcum powder ever 3 months or so. (Put the belt in a small zip-lock baggie, add some talc, and shake the bag. Then remove the belt and shake off the excess talc.)

Obviously, it's your decision about whether or not to sell the TNT platter/bearings/springs and go back to the lighter platter. If you do, however, you are giving away some real performance improvements solely to avoid some inconvenience with the dustcover.
I just upgraded my Mk3 to a MK4. I highly recommend you keep the Mk4 and spend $160 on the tall dustcover. Call VPI directly to order. Ditto everything else Sdcampbell said.

Thanks for your comments. I'm glad I wrote in. I didn't want to sell the platter until I was convinced I was moving in the right direction.

I'm generally a little suspect of the hype in the industry, and don't always assume that upgrades, even expensive ones, and going to yield significant, audible results in my system.

That being said, I thought I detected some speed variation after I put the old platter back on, and it seems as though there is a consistent opinion that the TNT platter is going to make a difference in this respect, at least.

I'll play it some more, then swap the upgraded platter back on and see what difference it makes.

I just got the TT last Friday, and hadn't had a chance to get VPI's tall cover pricing. $160 is reasonable, and about half what I expected.
I removed my dust cover(the tall one) and all the hardaware, Just something more to rattle around. I just set the dust cover on the 'table when not in use. By all means keep the platter. Do you have the SAMA? (stand alone motor assembly)Highly recommended. I absolutely do not use the dust cover when playing records. Makes a big reverb chamber! I also give the clamp a little spin to bring the platter up to speed. Saves belt wear. Also a speed contoller, but VPI's SDS is $1000. I have an old PLC, VPI's predecessar to the SDS. I'm on my third one. Things have a tendency to fry and VPI will no longer fix them.
Good luck!