Kenwood L-02 tuner actually a unicorn

Does this tuner really exist or is it like the Unicorn? I have been looking for one for years and can't even find someone that actually owns one. If you have one, please let em know and how you aquired it.
I agree that there are pictures, reviews, people that say they love it, I just have never seen one for myself. That is the question. Anyone in Denver have one of these?
Fishboat that is exactly what I mean. I think they are all stored in a warehouse hanger in Roswell.

I was in Roswell once, saw a stack of 'em in a corner of a warehouse behind a really large cylindrical ship of some sort. I asked about the L-02's but the very small "people" didn't speak english (they were groovin' to an all-tube system blasting out Talking Heads tunes though).