ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.
Gmorris what difference would it make if a person were only involved in "so called Highend for a couple of years?"

The amount of time a person has spent in a given activity is less meaningful than their experience level. Some people will learn absotlutely nothing in five years while another person can learn volumes in a much shorter period of time.

I don't know Doug, as I have never met him, but his level of experience seems to be significant. I would rather learn from someone who is active and excited about a given hobby or past time rather then some self-proclaimed expert or audio engineer.

From what I have read, Doug Deacon has been involved in these tests and comparisons, who could more correctly speak to the results than a participant? Now he if wrote for a national publication we could all ridicule and mock him, but I think he's just another hobbiest.
Not to denigrate you Gmorris (BTW--took a look at your system,and philosophy,and it is WAY cool),but what if Doug was into the high end for only a year,for example.It is his,or anyone's,experience in how "actual music" sounds that carries any gravity,here.I'm sure there has been alot of real musical experience there,as his posts have given people like me the idea that this guy knows the sound of "music"!BTW--I have seen other less versed, supposed, high-enders pick up this hobby FAST,with some exposure to other well meaning audio friends.In the case of Doug,he frequently mentions a "PAUL",who I'm sure is active in this hobby,yet doesn't seem to post.

What's the problem?

Best regards!
Why are you guys assuming that I was on the verge of bashing Dougdeacon,? That was not my intent.
Guys, if you don't mind, lets stick to the original subject. I have been a reader of this forum for about 3-4 years and I welcome the opinions of all the above folks. Your answers have been thoughtful and meaningful. By the way, my arm is a Tri-Planar VII and table is an Avid Volvare. The Olympos confuses me since it's not around. Is the Titan its replacement?
Dear Richard: I agree with Sirspeedy: there is no " best cartridge " per se.

Like Lugnut, I think that the tonearm makes a great difference.

The exercise where Doug and Lugnut participate: Universe/Olympus it is only a " great analog time " but really don't tell me which one is better. It only can tell me some differences between them: maybe these differences ( for the better ) are because one cartridge makes a better match with that tonearm, we can`t be sure.

In my opinion the only way to really knows which cartridge is better that other one is to find to each cartridge the best tonearm match and do the audio tests in that way.

You have a plus on the Titan because they take the helikon in exchange. For me the Titan could be my first choice, as a fact the Titan is a top performer.

Now if you want to have the best cartridge you have to find which one is the best with your tonearm and find the best for your personal audio quality priorities.

There are many top contenders outside: Transfiguration, Dynavector XV-1, Allaerts MC2 Finish, Clearaudio Insider, Ortofon MC 7500, Van denHul Colibri, Denon Dls1, Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum ( in the right tonearm ), Lyra Titan, Ikeda Rex9, Benz Micro LP, ZYX Universe, Shelther 90X, etc, etc. You have a lot of top cartridges options.

Regards and enjoy the music.