I'm Looking For the Best

I've been sitting on the fence, but now I'm willing to go whole hog and grab the golden ring atop the mountain in the clouds in the house upon the hill. I want the BEST. Not just in your opinion the BEST, but in absolute fact the BEST. Price is absolutely no object. I have terminal audiophilitis and the MDs are only giving me a few decades more to live, so I'm going to splurge. I want something that blows away the competition. I want something that immediately announces to the world that it is the BEST of the BEST. It should be designed by the best engineer and contain the BEST parts. It should remove veils, peer deep into the recording that the musicians see me sitting in the room looking at them play and have so much musicality that Sondheim writes his next score specifically for it to perform.

Any suggestions will be appreciated, but the BEST must have a direct input for an iPod.

Thanks in advance.
The Bose Wave Radio fills your entire room with sound- it's like having an orchestra in your living room! No lie, I saw it on TV. Looks legit to me.
Since you don't have much time, buy tickets once a day to go out and hear live music...you can bring your ipod...don't know if they'll have a place for you to plug it in though...I doubt you'll want to if the music's any good. Veils'll be lifted and you can bring along binoculars for that deep peering you wanna do...musicians WILL be sitting in the same room with you. It doesn't get any better! Can't help you with the golden rings in the clouds on the top of the mountains though. Sorry to hear about your disease...perhaps there's a cream or ointment you could apply? Gargle daily. Drink orange juice. Have some chicken soup. Eat an apple. Always use a condom. Don't forget to floss. Good luck!

And in the immortal words of Jax2......... buy a Perch™ !

You cannot hear the angels sing until you put yourself in the ultimate listening position. Hope Marco will explain, always makes me laugh uncontrollably.
how could I possibly not come out of the woodwork for this one.

as everybody says...the "best"...(or bestest if you prefer) is objective...or is that subjective?...well...whichever.

my suggestion is to try complete auditory deprivation for say...a year or so...you know...get some special plugs that keep out everything. Learn to sign or read lips of course as you will still need to communicate with others.

after a year...all you will need is the $139 I-pod.

You'll put it on...cue up your Sondheim...and after not having heard a single a single solitary sound for the last year, your jaw will "drop" and you will say...

"WOW...this is the BEST"
Even if you do achieve the best I-pod system, there will be a better I-pod system next year. The only way you can truly have the best is if you can also stop time. If you reach that point, please stop time on a Saturday so I am not at work....oh, and preferrably in the summer - thanks.