VPI Scoutmaster Belt...Is Your's Still Going???????

My new Scoutmaster's belt died after just 3 months. Just dried out really fast and of course started to stretch which caused speed instability.

Anyone else had this problem?
I own a Scoutmaster, and manual states, motor should extend aprox. .25 inch from side of TT chassis.
Apparently I'm not the only one having a problem. My dealer says he's had a problem with them too. I e-mailed VPI and Mike said they are working on a new version of this belt and by the time my new one wears out they will send me another.

Also the two belts on the outside of my periphery ring clamp have broken. I contacted Harry via Audio Asylum and he sent me two new ones at no charge. He said it seems to be a west coast or sun related problem possibly linked to ozone.

I only started this thread to see if others experiences have mirrored my own. I love my Scoutmaster and wouldn't trade it for the world. Oh....maybe a Super Scoutmaster :>)
Bought a Scoutmaster dealer demo three months ago. After about 20 hours of use, the belt broke. Stretching it reveals cracking along its entire length. The dealer has the unit about 8 months before I purchased it. He had VPI to send a new belt and they indicated heat might be a factor. I found a previous responder's comment about ozone interesting as I live in Grass Valley, CA, the second worst location for ozone in CA. (Has to do with pollution rising up the foothills from Sacramento then remaining in our location with the coolness of evening.)
no problem with the the platter belt of my scoutmaster, but did have 2 belts break on the ring as well. but since they were replaced several months ago, no problems.