Can a scratched record...

be repaired?
There is a way that works absolute wonders about 20% of the time, improves the lp substantially about 50% of the time, doesn't work at all 25%, and can cause more noise about 5%. It involves spinning the record backwards. You need the right needle, which depends on the type of record and what cutting head was used - and there is also skill/experience involved.
Transfer the vinyl to a digital file format and store it on a computer. There are any number of click removal software programs that can automatically eliminate all but the largest of scratches. Alternatively, even simple audio editing programs have a "draw" function that allows you to manually remove the clicks.
Scratch "repair" and alternatives have pretty much been covered here but I;ll ask the obvious. What is the LP title? Maybe some here can help with replacement. Copying the LP to CD is easy, though and, as has been said the "click" can be digitally removed.
Onhwy61...Technically you are correct. But some people would rather listen to a scratched LP than a clean digital copy. I have a few ancient LPs that I keep only for sentimental reasons.