Cartridge for SME IV.V

Attention SME arm people - I'm looking for an upgrade path for my SME 20/2A table, and would love to hear what cartridge characteristics make for a good match with the SME IV.V arm. I am currently using a Dynavector 17DmkII which performs reasonably well, but I imagine the arm and table could handle a better cartridge. Any thoughts?
The IV.V has ribbon internal wiring (both for high conductivity and minimal bearing interference) and was designed specifically for MC cartridges -- especially of the low output variety (although certainly not exclusively.)

Very high end Koetsu, Transfiguration, ZYX, and van den Hul would all be good choices. And don't forget great tonearm cables. The vdH cable that comes with the arm is crap.
Agree completely with nsgarch. The arm cable is almost first to go. I've used Kimber, Graham ic50 and Purist Venastus.

I'd add the Lyra Helicon to you list. Maybe the Titan i depending on budget.

Final point, if u use aftermarket power cords, try one on your motor controller. You'll be surprised.
I am using the SME IV arm with the top Dynavector cartridge (the XV-1s). This cartridge is an outstanding performer, and the SME IV and V series arms pair exceptionally well with the XV-1s. IMO you should definitely put the XV-1s on your short list.
I have a Koetsu Urushi on my IV.Vi. It was my first Koetsu and there was a lot of expectation. Jaw dropped when the first notes came out.
I started my SME20/2 IV.V with a Koetsu Black (which doesn't do the 20 justice) and then started upgrading the rest of my system. I was intending to get a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum (RSP) when the opportunity to buy an Onyx Platinum came along.

The Onyx P made all the other investments in the system pay off...It is absolutely phenomenal. Recently I did an A/B comparison with an RSP and my Onyx P...Astonishingly for this level there was a significant improvement in frequency extension with the Onyx P.

So, I highly recommend the Koetsu Onyx Platinum.