What is the lowest LOMC you guys know of???

What cartridge do you guys know of, that has the lowest mv output. Just curious???
I just realized I misread/misundertood the post. I was thinking "cheapest" LOMC hence the Denon rec. I doubt it's the lowest though, sorry.
From Denon it would be the DL-103M. 0.12mv output boron cantilever and elliptical stylus.

Hdm and Dcc

I am using a BAT VK-P10SE with Super Pac Phono Stage. I have it set up to the highest possible gain. I believe it's 79 db or 86db I have to check my manual. This Phono Stage will deliver what ever you ask her to do. It's one of the better ones out there. It's the best one I've ever owned. With the Ortofon SL 15E MK II and the BAT VK-P10SE super pac combination, I can hear things I have never heard with my (believe it or not) Shelter 901.
Dear justubes: Your phonopreamp has 79db gain through internal step-up transformers, it is not enough for a 0.015mv

I own the Ortofon MC 2000 that has 0.05mv.

Regards and enjoy the music.

If the gain on the phono stage is not enough, which one is giving us the wrong information?? The 79 db gain or the 0.015mv output??

I'm currently listening to it right now at about 90db. My preamp is at 9 oclock--6 0clock being zero.