Is the Kab Speedstrobe necessary with the VPI SDS?

Is it necessary (in order to accurately pinpoint the exact 33 and 1/3 platter speed) to purchase something like a KAB SPEEDSTROBE after buying the VPI SDS?
the strobe disc that comes with the SDS works great, you just have to supply your own flourescent light.
I use my KAB for my Oracle and it's easy as all get out and like the man said peace of mind. I couldn't listen to some solo or duo instrument recordings with out knowing it is dead on. And don't even get me started with chamber Music. I calibrate every six months but most times my Oracle is dead on so it's just a formality.
Paul. When I enquired with VPI that I could not get my VPI strobe disc to work, they casually stated that it won't work on 50hz and to buy the KAB disc and strobe.

I guess that is an option or sorts :)