Ladies analogy lover?

correct me if I m wrong. I subscribed to a few audio magazines and I noticed that most of the manufacturer owners and audio designers are men (except the lady fr Manley). I can't seems to get my wife to be interested in audio equipments or music. Are there many ladies audiogoners? Wld like to hear how u got involve in audio? Thx
Opalchip hits the nail on the head. Whereas the music is supposed to be the end, and the gear is the means, some people reverse the two.
A music lover loves music, an audiophile & a stereophile are the same thing.
An audiophile/stereophile is a person who has $0.87 worth of software & $100,000 in audio equpiment. And two or three audiophile approved CD's/Lp's. I think many in this hobby start to loose focus of what the hobby is about. That is to bring a live performance into your home & to enjoy music.
I know a few (audiophiles) people who buy nothing but audiophile recordings & constantly evaluating there systems.
If you will not listen to music that sounds bad you might be an audiophile.
The way this thread has gone - it seems to me that more focus on the Music and less on the equipment would entice more women to become Analog(y) Lovers, which leads me to an idea - I've started a thread over in the Music section entitled:

"Music Your Wife Will Really Listen To (with you) ?"

Maybe we'll find a common denominator to seduce our Significant Others into more of the audiophile experience.
While I agree with Opalchip and all the others that, at least here on Audiogon, gear is emphasized way more than the music, I still haven't heard anyone chime in and say they're NOT a music lover, and only in it for the hardware. Does a great interest in equipment preclude a love of music?

Audioblazer, women are and have always been way more practical than men, mostly out of necessity. It's a wonder they ever keep us men around... :-)
All my wives (I'm on my third) were in to audio. The last and the present were not until they met me.

I admit - I'm in to the equipment more than the music.
I will totally enjoy listening to music I do not necessarily like just because it is a great recording and pressing.
However - I will listen to music I like even if it is a terrible sounding recording/pressing.

It's the game of "how real can it sound"

My current wife never heard good equipment before me and she quickly started liking audio.
She was amazed by the sound reality of electrostatics (Quad 63's)
2 weeks ago when I got my Quad 57's - we hooked them up and after about 5 seconds - without my prompting - she bugged out her eyes, said "holy #&*@" and said they were far better.

I didn't have the heart to tell her - wait till they are properly set up
