HFNR and antiskate on SME 3009/III

When I have my SME3009/III set at approx. 2Gm on the antiskate, and listen to the torture track on the HFNR test record, I get a buzzing in the right channel. Pulling gently on the antiskate string removes the buzz, so I equate that to increasing the antiskate.

Well, if I do that so that it doesn't buzz, the darn thing will not cue up on the outside of the record -- the tonearm flies right off the record. (!)

The antiskate pulley has been lined up (per SME instructions) so that it is perpendicular to the tonearm at the start of the record, and fairly skewed by the end. My thought (and it's dangerous when I think) is that the SME instructions are wrong, and it should be perpendicular when the tonearm is at the inside of the record, not the outside.

Anyone else have this issue?
Hdm, the method I explained above is not vdH's method, it mine. With vdH cartridges, it (coincidentally) yeilds the antiskate figures vdH recommends for their cartridges,

It will work quite accurately for any arm/cartridge combo however, so long as all other physical setup adjustments have been properly made, including VTF.

There's nothing mystical about anti-skate. It just a way of neutralizing the inward force created by tonearms with offset headshells, or by S curved tonearms. When there's no sidethrust on the cantilever, it's quite easy to see after just a little practice. And whatever that force happens to be, it's the right one for that arm and cartridge.

As a historical note, anti-skate was not available on tonearms for a long time, and nobody seemed to mind. They simply adjusted the balance control if things seemed a little "off". Getting proper SRA, VTF, stylus overhang, azimuth, and coil loading are far more critical. In fact if these other adjustments aren't perfect first, making antiskating adjustments will be futile IMO.
Listen to Nsgarch. That test record will lead you astray every time. I tried its "torture tests" and the only cart/arm I have that will sail through all four of them is a l962 Empire arm with a Stanton 881 cart on it, and it has no antiskating provisions at all! I have an SME IIIs myself and wouldn't dream of using the record to set anti-skate.
Dopogue, I have to admit I haven't used the test record Hdm refers to. I don't have anything against them, but my position is "why bother when it's so easy to do visually." In fact I have confirmed my visual adjustment(s) electrically time and again, as well as with listening tests (using female soloist mono records with preamp in 'stereo' setting) and the method seems to give consistently accurate results.
Agree with all the above.

Nsgarch's visual method works well. (Note: it's better with high compliance cartridges than low compliance ones.) Fine tune by ear while listening to music.

I do have the HFN record. As I've posted many times on VA, the design of its so-called anti-skate tracks (side one, tracks 6-9) is inherently flawed. Do not use them for setting AS.

If you want to use that silly record to rough in AS, use the three, widely spaced "tracking test" bands on side two. Adjust AS until L/R buzzing is about equal on all three bands. Assuming your VTF is correct, that method is valid. The tracks at the end of side one are not.
I used the Wally antiskating tool to set up my TT. I confirmed the results with the HFNR test tracks. Just out of curiosity I tried Nsgarch's test. This method works as well for me. I even set the antiskate to the opposite setting and saw exactly what Nsgarch was referring to. I can't imagine this not working for any cartridge.