VPI Scout and Scoutmaster owners.

I just put an order in to VPI for their new arm.I would like to hear from anyone that has the new 9 or the wire upgrade in the standard 9 and junction box...Many Thanks...I have the Scoutmaster with sts,ring and centre weight...Love it
I have to admit I can't hear a difference with or without anti-skate so I'm not going to spend much much time, effort or the tips of my fingers discussing it. Much better to spend time tuning the system properly, swapping tubes and buying vinyl. Oh, and listening to records!
The difference I hear is very subtle. Without antiskate, the left channel sounds more dynamic, a little more alive, than the right. With the antiskate at the highest setting, the left channel is a little less dynamic, and balance seems to shift slightly to the right. There's more of a silkiness overall and less graininess, but also less lively too. I now have it set around the middle, and that seems to bring back the liveliness and clean it up some. I haven't settled on anything yet, but I do think it's worth messing with. Either way, it's a great table. We're splitting hairs here.
I've had the Scout and now Scoutmaster for a couple years now. I tried twisting wires before this and ended up leaving them untwisted. I think if you can hear the difference twisting, then you should hear a difference with this too.
Didn't want or mean to hijack the thread. I know the antiskate controversy has been discussed extensively before and don't want to go there.
Jamnperry, I just posted HW's comments to clear up my half-a$$ effort to quote him in my first post.

I myself am in no way trying to say no one with this table needs an anti-skate, if you can hear a difference and it pleases you, that's great. I have not found the need for one yet, but who knows. It would be fun to throw that new arm on tommorrow and give it a listen.

Now getting back to that wire upgrade. What does one gain there? And is it worth the jack?
That's the upgrade to get in my opinion. If your cartridge isn't low compliance, get the wire upgrade. If it is, maybe consider just the wand. The damping helps too but my cartridge is low compliance so it did make some impact as expected.
No controversy on the wire upgrade though. I got my arm in stages because VPI was delayed in shipping. I had the arm wand for over a month before the antiskate mechanism came. I had the antiskate around 3 weeks before the base with the damping came in. I have a pretty well developed opinion of the value of the parts of this upgrade. While the wand may have affected it more than I realize, there's no question the wire was the biggest factor. Resolution, soundstage all immediately better. The $200 for the rewire to me is the one to do if nothing else.
Hi Gregory Earl and Jamnperry, No dought in my mind about the Valhalla wire.I just found out about the new arm and wire upgrades afew weeks ago and jumped right on the new arm.Even having your stock arm and junction box rewired for 200 bucks...to me,sounds like a stupid good upgrade...Good Listening