Was your first cartridge relatively expensive?

I'm thinking seriously about buying my first analog rig. I've never set up a turntable system before and obviously my biggest fear is breaking/damaging the cartridge.

So I've got some questions for you guys. Was your first cartridge relatively expensive? In hindsight would you have bought a cheaper one to "learn" with? Would you recommend a newbie who is sure he likes the sound of vinyl and will stick to it, to start with the best cartridge he can afford?
I think that ham-fistedness breaks cartridges much more frequently than incorrect setup. Incorrect setup might damage the LPs, but only if the tracking weight is grossly incorrect (and tracking weight is the easiest part of setup).

Incorrect alignment and VTA (the hardest parts of setup) will greatly reduce sound quality (end of side distortion and imaging) but are unlikely to result in any damage. You will waste your money on an expensive cartridge if it is not correctly aligned, but I don't think you'll damage it.

One other thing to watch out for is damaging the arm bearings while installing the cartridge and pinching up the mounting bolts. Some arms (Rega) seem relatively immune, where others (Linn) apparently can be easily damaged.

You can learn setup with a $30 cartridge, such as an audio technica AT-95, if you're worried, and have a dealer install an expensive cartridge.

If I were you I'd get the cartridge you want and just be careful, experiment and learn (and budget for a shure balance, and a mirrored protractor at the least).
Before you jump onto the TT setup, asked youself these questions first:
1.) Do I have enough LPs to appreciate analog setup?
2.) Do I have adequate enviroment to have TT setup?
3.) Am I willing to settle for best quality or better than cheap CD quality?
4.) Am I willing to spend time to change LP vs remote control from CD player?
5.) Am I careful enough not to damage the needle?
6.) Do I have time to setup the TT properly? Do I have to for adjustments every few weeks?
7.) Are the LPs original recording or digital re-mastered?
8.) What LP setup have you heard?
9.) What music you listen?
10.) MC or MM?
11.) What's your budget? How would you go about spending it for cartridge, tonearm, TT, phono preamp, step up device?

It is more complicated to make the decision than you think : (
Howie don't let S23chang's comments get you down. It's not that big of a deal to get into analog. Sure it's more complex than digital, but it's fun too and the rewards are well worth it.

I would start with something like a Dynavector 10x5 or 20X. Not to expensive, but really good sound and if you love it you can move up later. I jumped into analog with a 10x5 and Nottingham Horizon table and had little trouble mounting the cartridge and getting the table setup right away. I would just stick with a fairly simple setup like the VPI Scout or Nottingham Horizon. You'll find a lot of great help right here on Audiogon to get you through your setup, just don't expect instant glory, it may take a little time and energy to understand what it takes to get your particular rig sounding right.
The Denon DL-103 is a very fairly priced cartridge. It is also capable of giving very satisfactory sonic results. But it is not a beginners cartridge, because it can sound good only with heavy and very heavy arms. These arms are not so common nowadays, so you'll have to get a used one (not cheap) or to pay a higher price for a new one.