I don't know where else to post this...so,

Anyone know where to find an attractive (or coll looking) little light for above me turntable. I listen in the dark and have to get up and run around like an idiot every time I change a record. I'm looking for something smallish, halogen (maybe)????

any ideas?
Hi folks, Audio Advisor has them and I'm looking into one also. They aren't exactly cheap though.
I would avoid halogens and fluroscents due to the transformers and all... I have a simple incandescent lamp with a bendable neck to the right of my TT, works quite well, and I can shine it straight onto the TT for close work, or bend it to point to the wall for ambient light.

Have you thought of candles? :)
If you don't want to spend the money for a Littlite and you've got a place over the turntable to mount it, this lamp from IKEA works well. I've got one mounted at the top of a CD rack and it gives just the right amount of light to be able to read the CD titles. It's halogen but a low-wattage bulb that's good for night-time listening. I might be possible to install an even smaller bulb but I haven't tried that.

The arms telescope and swivel within a limited range, making it easier to put the light where you want it without having it shine in your eyes, depending on your mounting options, of course.