Upgrading electrical-things to do?

We're upgrading to 200 amp service. As long as the electrician is here are there things that I should have him do to improve my music room?
Holderlin- I agree with Jadem6, but I would consider at least two dedicated, continuous circuits (including the ground wires) from the junction box to the audio room outlets - three if you were running monoblocks. I would also thoroughly inspect the existing ground rod and associated connections. If advantageous, look into the addition of another ground rod (local codes may preclude the separation of the audio circuit grounding to a separate ground rod).
Good luck.
Depending on your budget, consider this: I have friends that have systems with a separate 60 amp circuit for the audio with a separate breaker panel on the wall / in the basement / in the closet as close to the outlet as possible. From the 60 amp circuit box have 3-4 seperate circuit breakers depending on monoblock useage, HT equipment, etc. My friend has 2 monoblocks on 2 circuits, pre-amp on a circuit, and digital equipment on yet another circuit. He also used the AudioQuest brown power wire from this separate service to the outlets. His system seriously woke up from the power upgrade from everything on 1 15A circuit
I agree with the posts above. From a 50 amp breaker at my main breaker box, I had a sub-panel with four 20 amp breakers installed-- just outside my stereo room. I then ran 4 dedicated lines to 4 hubbell duplex outlets. The work was done by a licensed electrician. This dedicated system works great, and significantly lowered noise floor. A downside was that music became too bright, and I had to install good quality custom power cords to my components-- which was another benefit sonically, but more expensive. Good Luck. Craig
Use Hospital grade Hubbel or similar outlets for all things
Audio and Video related.
Hey, J k, you forgot to mention another advantage from you friend's rewiring project...providing a college fund for the electrician's children! Outstanding! That's some SERIOUS power distribution! Has anyone ever run a remote gas/diesel generator to power their audio system?