Upgrading electrical-things to do?

We're upgrading to 200 amp service. As long as the electrician is here are there things that I should have him do to improve my music room?
Use Hospital grade Hubbel or similar outlets for all things
Audio and Video related.
Hey, J k, you forgot to mention another advantage from you friend's rewiring project...providing a college fund for the electrician's children! Outstanding! That's some SERIOUS power distribution! Has anyone ever run a remote gas/diesel generator to power their audio system?
With the remote panel idea, I've heard people say that the old fuses vs circuits are the best sounding. If you do go to that extreme it might be worth trying.
thanks for all your suggestions. The electrician came today to look over the situation. He was incredulous when I said I wanted an isolated ground on the dedicated 20amp circuit. I told him I would buy hospital-grade receptacles that would take an isolated ground. He said just a dedicated ground at the circuit would be fine with a surge protector for the electronics (in addition to the full house surge protector).

He said he'll run a 12 gauge wire from the circuit breaker to the stereo outlets. This will be long run from about the front to the back of the house.

any other suggestions based on this additional info would be appreciated.

Since you have an "long run" then a larger gauge than #12 wire is needed to realize the beneifts of reduced surge impedance. Your electrician won't comprehend this, but absolutely insist that at least #10 gauge be installed, or even #8 for a long run such as that.