Manhattan vinyl shops

I'm going to be spending some time in Manhattan and am wondering where some good vinyl shops are. Also, if anyone knows of some good jazz happening within the next few weeks feel free to let me know!
Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato and Baby Tomato . . . They’re walking along, having a good time, but Baby Tomato has a hard time keeping up! Finally, Papa Tomato turns around and yells, "Ketchup!"

Sorry, I had to do that.

I've purchased many LP's from the Bop Shop

They have a great selection and fair prices. Good luck in the Big Apple.
My experience way back when (early 80's) was that the used record shops in "the city" (what other city matters?) had overpriced records that were over-worn. Case in point Bleeker Bob's in the Village, and the one on St. Marks Place