MacCormack Upgrades from SMc Audio?

Hi all, My Phono Pre-Amp is a MacCormack Micro Phono Drive bought back around '96.

Just doing some surfing today, I stumbled upon Steve MacCormack's site, and see that he lists two upgrade revisions for the Micro Phono Drive, and also produces a better outboard Power Supply versus the original Wall Wart that came with the unit.

From the sound of his description, his better revision B upgrade essentially replaces just about every component in the unit, going to better Burr-Brown Op Amps, trimmed RIAA Stage, Vishay components, etc, etc. The cost of this upgrade is said to be $500, and this was actually what I paid for this unit new when I bought it.

Also, the Outboard power Supply costs $275, WBT RCA's another $60 Whattya think?
To further elaborate, I was wondering if others felt this B revision would be a good choice, and if others have ever owned this particular component, (and perhaps even others?) had it upgraded, and how they liked it after?

My Turntable is the VPI HW-19 with MK-IV Platter, AQ PT-6 Tonearm with AQ Emerald Tonearm Cable Upgrade, and Benz Glider Hi-Output Cartridge. Mark
Can't speak to your specific unit, but the SMc upgrades to the DNA amps are breathtaking, service is excellent as well.
If you look, you'll see I'm a big fan of Steve's mods (I have a DNA 0.5 Platinum... have owned a DAC-1 "platinum" and also the full sized Phono Drive). Now you know my prejudice.

I also know that if you like the component and end up liking the mods (I'm sure you will), then you'll probably save up and go for the higher level... I've learned to wait and just go that way.

Having said all of that, and not being familiar with the upgrades to the particular piece in which you're interested--I'd go straight to the horse's mouth & call Steve and ask him about the bang for the buck. He's always been very open & honest with me and a very nice guy.

good luck,