Upgrades for VPI HW -19 jr.???

I very recently purchased a VPI HW-jr here on Audiogon. All original with the PT-6 tonearm, no cartridge. I was wondering what upgrades are recommended and in what order. Price is a factor so I can only approach one upgrade at a time. What will offer the most significant improvements in sound and what cartridge goes well with this deck? I was thinking, new feet and tonearm cable first, any thoughts on this? I do not want to rebuild the table just improve on it. Thanks.
Hi again

I don't have much time at all to write, but let me recommend to the rest of the hw-19 jr. club a new phono preamp (as an alternative to the excellent Black Cube). Today I borrowed from the deal the Jolida Model JD9 tube phono preamp. So far I've only listened to a few LPs, but at least for jazz and classic rock (listened to Grateful Dead) it's really super. It retails for around $500-600, but most dealers will do it for around $450. I have no intention of buying it, since I;m about to sell my jr., having just ordered a Scoutmaster through Audiogon, but my experience with this new preamp and my jr./PT-6/Glider (medium output) is making me seriously reconsider selling the Glider cartridge (was going to whole hog on a used Lyra Helikon).
It's pure magic!
footnote: I sold my Lehmann Black Cube recently for $250 because i was in a rush to have my sony 9000es dvd/sacd player modded, but one last evening with my jr. rig (which had been in storage at my gf's place) convinced me once and for all to do a 180 and stay analog. (The best SACDs are spectacular, don't get me wrong, but the software selection is decent for classical yet really a tease for anything else)
Hi Tedd,
The Jolida JD9 sounds like a nice unit, especially for the money, as i did a bit of searching here on A-Gon, and a bit online to see what all the bustle was about :-)

I myself wouldn't mind giving a unit such as this a try, but I'm fearing that it won't be a very compatible unit with my hi-output 1.9Mv Benz Glider, with internal impedance of 85 ohms?

I see some specs listed for the unit, but as far as deviating from these factory set adjustments to make it compatible with my Glider, I have no idea?

Do you remember what gain setting was used on the JD9, how do they adjust, and is there any mention of perhaps any alteration from the factory pre-set gain, and loading settings? Does the JD9 use a Wall Wart, or has its own internal power supply?

As Nasgarch recommended, he has stated that ideal loading for my Glider should be around 2.2K give or take.

If anyone else has the JD9, please feel free to jump in. thanks, BTW, I'm presently using a McCormack Micro Phono Drive.Mark
First off, let me say that since my last writing (<12 hrs) I have listened to no fewer than 12-14 LP sides. That makes for my longest vinyl listening session ever!
This tubed phono preamp combo with my table/arm/cart mentioned above sounded so good that I was compelled to play side after side - in a few cases the same one 3 times in a row (Jerry Garcia Band - The LP with Sugaree, Beatles Please Please Me [MFSL], original White Album, Rubber Soul, Revolver [both original rainbow label], and a few others. My conclusion, especially after finishing LP #2 of the white album, was that this phono preamp provides tremendous 'presence'. It is rich sounding, yet just lean enough (at least woth my glider) that fine articulation (i.e. of Weir's guitar licks and solos on side 1 of Garcia) was really good. The noise floor wasn't the lowest, but that could be due to most of my wires being a mess right now and other factors contributing to interference.

Now as for questions:
1) JD9 has its own power supply - no wall wart.
2) Adjustment of output and loading is done through a series of little dip switches accessed through a small window (usually covered with a very small stainless steel plate which you remove while power is off by screwing 2 small screws with ones fingers) on the unit's rear. The manual clearly indicates which combination is used for which scenario. There is one MM output setting and two MC settings (LO and High). Loading options are 100, 300, 1000, and 47Kohms plus it has 47 pfarad, 100 pfaradm 150, and 220 pfarads. These are all set through the dip switches. The Jolida 9D also has two sets of outputs on the rear - 'LOW - 200 Millivolt' and 'High - 1.8 volt'. The manual indicates that the former is use with 'preamplifier separates' and the latter is for 'output to integrated amps or line stage preamps'. I Used the 'Low' output and obtained satisfactory listening volume on my Bryston B60 integrated with the volume control below the halfway point. The only potential weakness of the Jolida I could glean so far - based purely on classic rock and a little jazz listening - was that macrodynamics weren't the best I;ve heard (micro- were great). This could easily be attributed to my medium output Glider's sonic character, the nature of tubes, and many other factors. After all, I'm only using the jr,'s stock platter and phono cable.
Should also mention that 95% of my listening (it was late night) was done with Sennheiser HD600/Cardas through the very good headphone stage of the Bryston B60 integrated. Cardas Cross were the interconnects between the Jolida and the integrated. I should mention that I've never auditioned any other phono preamp - let alone another tube preamp - save the Lehmann Black Cube.Hope this helps. The Jolida is on load until Saturday, so perhaps I'll drop a few more lines after I've done some classical listening. By that point it will be time to pack and ship the jr.! (Scoutmaster should be here by Thur or Fri of this week).