The best "no fuss" turntable for $5K or less?

I am wanting to replace my LP12 Valhalla/Ittok with a less fussy, more "set it and forget it" deck. I live in an area of the country that is a audio wasteland. There are no dealers to set up or tune up a sensitive table like the Linn. I will spend up to Super Scoutmaster money. I am interested in all suggestions.
i got a used sme 10 with arm ( I think that is the 10A) for a little over 4000. It has been maintenance and fuss free and I think it sounds great.
I agree with the above posts, I have both a Basis 2001/Rega Arm and the Nottingham Spacedeck with Space Arm and both have been hassle free. Once set up you can pretty much just sit back and enjoy the music. Sound from both of these tables is excellent.
I have to agree with you Psych. Nothing else can touch it for the price. I bought a Rega and returned it because I was horrified by the use limitations of it compared to my admittedly tweaked to the max 1200!