The best "no fuss" turntable for $5K or less?

I am wanting to replace my LP12 Valhalla/Ittok with a less fussy, more "set it and forget it" deck. I live in an area of the country that is a audio wasteland. There are no dealers to set up or tune up a sensitive table like the Linn. I will spend up to Super Scoutmaster money. I am interested in all suggestions.
I had the LP 12. Nice table that everybody seemed happy with. However, my analog system never sounded better than my digital. I was using Ittok with Benz Micro Glider. I purchased Super Scoutmaster Signature Plus for around 5500. I bought a used Koetsu Urushi Black from a friend and there is absolutely no comparison between analog and digital now. Before, I thought it was B.Shasta when people said analog was better. I have seen the light. No comparison. I use Sonus Faber Cremona's with Parasound JC-1 monoblocks and a Bel Canto Pre 2P. My digital front end is a Denon 5910 with Underwood Ultimate Tube Output modifications. Nordost Valkyrja interconnects. Nice setup but SuperScoutmaster with Koetsu smokes it. FYI
Hi Uncontop,Had a Linn Ittok for many years. Many good suggestions above...Have fun...