Can a garage serve as listening room?

My system is currently located in my living room, which is a nice big room. However, due to space constraints (wife imposed of course), and the dangers posed by ambulatory toddlers, I have considered moving my system to my garage. However, I fear that a metal garage door, and concrete floors will probably have negative sonic ramifications. Is this so?

All responses will be greatly appreciated.


OMG Peter, that is a beautiful room. Is that really your garage? Are those speakers Tidal Audio?
You can definitely do what Peter did ( Nice job!!!) as I also did mine too... A tremendous amount of work but we both followed similar paths with fairly similar results though mine started as a 13.5' x 19' and the finished interior ended just a bit less than that after all the sheetrock/ walls and insulation...So, yes it can be done to very satisfying levels if you want to take on the project. Good luck.

Well it was my garage :-) now its my music room, serves as my home office too. The speakers are my Sammy

Sammy Review

Lissnr , Very nice job too

Good Listening
