Time for a "massive" turntable: Spacedeck vs Scheu

I have been considering upgrading my analog setup for a while (Michell Tecnodec and Thorens TD150 MKII). I will keep the Thorens as a nice example of a classic suspended deck. After many "light" turntables, I now would love to give mass-loaded table a try:

- Nottingham Spacedeck with Ace-Space arm

- Scheu Premier MKII with Moerch UP4 tonearm

I have listened to the Spacedeck a couple of times and love its solid sonic foundation, black backgrounds, solid bass, and warm but extremely detailed and tuneful sound. I have not had a chance to listen to the Scheu but would love to hear some comments and about direct comparisons with the Nottingham.

List of previous analog setups

Remaining system:
Denon DL103R (as the initial cartridge)
Wright WPP200C phono (planned)
Fi Y, Super X, First Watt F1
Cain & Cain Abby

Any comments, experiences, recommendations?

Ag insider logo xs@2xrestock
Dear Rene: My advise on TT is to go for an all metal design and in the massive " road ".
I prefer the " solid " sound of the all metal TT designs. Of course these ones are not so beautiful looking than the acrylic or wood ones but I like how it perform.

I really like the Acoustic Signature, Galibier and Simon Yorke. There are three other non-metal TT designs that I like too: SME, Sota and Basis.
Now, all depend on your budget because, at least, any of those TTs are really good.

Your Moerch tonearm alternative is a very good choice.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, thanks very much for your response. I have always been impressed with your analog setups and been following your responses on the forum.

I wish I would be able to afford a Galibier or Simon Yorke, or even just an Acoustic Solid One. The Spacedeck with its alloy platter seems like an affordable option using materials that make sense for a turntable design. So far I have not been a fan of acrylic tables or platters.

So far I am almost set on the Sapcedeck. As for the arm I am still not quite sure. The Moerch arm looks like a good choice for the Spacedeck as well, so that I am now considering either the Spacedeck with either arm. Especially the flexibility of the Moerch arm and to be able to adapt it to a wide variety of cartridges is tempting.

Does anyone have some comments on the different arms (Moerch vs. Ace space) on a Spacedeck?
I have not heard any Moerch arms, but I have owned two Spacedecks and both the Space arm and now the Ace-Space. Other arms I have had on this table:

Bluenote Borromeo
Bluenote Borghese
OL Encounter

To my ears, none had the synergy of Nottingham's own arms. And I believe the Ace-Space offers an improvement over the old arm. I think to hear this table at it's best, you will want to opt for the Ace-Space or the Ace-Anna.

Rene,though you seem to be "sold" on a Spacedeck,which seems to be a fine design,I might suggest you take a look at the current Oracle units.These are,also,all metal designs,and don't let the fairly light(designed that way)platter fool you.These are "world class" tables!Gorgeous in design,and execution.The price has always been very fair,IMO,and the design is now quite well perfected,since they have been made for quite some time.Just a thought.
