Record Cleaning Machine

Would like recomendations on machines.
I would suggest you do a search for RCM, there are a few options depending on price & how manual you want to get. I am making a DIY version personaly.
Yes, the Keith Monks stands out, followed closely by the Loricraft. The others are all vacuum suction, and tend to be more or lessloud. The Clearaudio double Matrix or some of the Blue Danube stand out among these.
if you have all kinds of dollars to spend, then the above recommendations are right on. however, i've been using a nitty gritty model that cost maybe $200 and it works beautifully. plus it has a small footprint which is important to me. a machine and clean vinyl is very important, but as long as it gets the job done, i'd rather spend the majority of my dollars on the vinyl and table.
I also have the low end NG, and while it's manual, meaning there is a ceiling on how many I want to clean at a time, it's effective. I am like Sberger - the money is better spent elsewhere. But getting a machine that cleans is well worth some dollars. I don't know from personal experience, but I suspect the incremental dollars don't increase the effectiveness - just the effort, sound, etc. If others have had several machines, I'd be curious to know if pricier machines do a better cleaning job, or if they mainly impact the process.